UV Stabilized means they have added a stabilizer to the resin to allow it to protect the substance from the long-term degradation from UV light. UV stabilizers work by absorbing or screening out UV radiation and preventing damage. UV Resistant materials by nature resists UV rays and prevent UV degradation.

Certain plastics such as acrylic, Ultem®, PVDF, and PTFE are inherently UV stable. However, most plastic materials exhibit color change and loss of elongation when exposed to UV light. Weathering resistance of plastics can be improved by adding UV stabilizers or UV resistant caps to protect the base polymer.

What does UV radiation actually do to degrade plastics? All types of UV can cause a photochemical effect within the polymer structure, which can lead to degradation of some sort to the material. The higher energy UVC is the type most likely to affect plastics. ... Those free radicals can cause breaks in the polymer bonds.

UV resistance is defined as the ability of a material to resist ultra violet (UV) light or sunlight. UV light, or sunlight, will cause non-resistant materials and surfaces to fade or discolor.